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KINFOLK Creation

Step One: Personality
Choose Concept, Nature and Demeanor, Tribe, Breed, Relation

Step Two: Attributes
Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (6/4/3)

Step Three: Abilities
Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (11/7/4)


Step Four: Advantages
Choose Backgrounds (5) from Allies, Contacts, Influence, Mentor, Pure Breed, and Resources.
Optional: Merits and Flaws are optional Advantages/ Disadvantages. Purchase Merits with freebie points; Flaws selected add to the Freebie Points up to a maximum of seven points.

Step Five: Finishing Touches
Record Willpower (3)
Spend freebie points (21). You cannot purchase Gifts with freebie points; you must acquire them through play and by spending experience points.

Trait Cost
Attributes 5 per dot
Abilities 2 per dot
Backgrounds 1 per dot
Willpower 1 per dot
Merits 1 per point

Kinfolk can not start with Gifts, Rites, Fetishes, Renown, Totem, Past Life, Equipment or Garou Favor on creation. These things can be earned through the course of the game and the actions taken by the character.

New Talent
From time to time, you have good hunches. You have learned to trust them. At times, you might not be able to explain why you suddenly know certain things, or how you jump to a startling conclusion based on a confusing or mystifying set of facts. Your instinct tends to serve you very well, except when it doesn’t. Intuition reflects your aptitude in making good guesses and relying on your gut feelings. This is not a psychic ability; rather, it is an innate “sixth sense” that enables the character to sense if someone is lying or whether or not a particular argument holds more persuasive force than another with the target individual. A character with Intuition may be able to string together tiny or otherwise overlooked clues, resolving into the strong feeling that “we need to go to the warehouse now!” or “Mr. X is the person behind this.” Storytellers can use a character’s Intuition to give information to the players or as a handy device to move along a stalled plot when all else fails.

• Novice: Your instincts help you find the right track.
•• Practiced: You automatically follow your initial guess rather than second-guessing yourself.
••• Competent: You always know when something’s going down.
•••• Expert: You know not only what’s wrong, but who’s behind it.
••••• Master: Your insights and hunches scare you sometimes!
Possessed by: Kinfolk, counselors, mothers, trending experts, teachers, intuitive diagnosticians, private detectives
Specialties: Reading Between the Lines, Subtext, Sensing Dynamics, Meditation

New Knowledge
You understand the world of human organizations and have learned to weave your way through the strands of red tape that permeate most government agencies, and private or public businesses. This Ability allows you to find the quickest way to accomplish something through the usual channels, getting speedy answers and bypassing many of the snags waiting to trap the unwary. You slice through red tape as if
it were strips of paper. You know who to talk to and which strings to pull to get what you (or your Garou kin) need. For you, it’s a game rather than a chore. Combined with the Contacts Background, you can make a lot of inroads that allow you to help both Kinfolk and werewolves. Whether or not the Garou appreciate your efforts, you are effective and take pride in your expertise.
• Student: Although you have just embarked on your trek through the red tape jungle, you are able to plan well, and you can locate local government offices using either the Internet or the old-fashioned phone book.
•• College: Your knowledge is growing, and you are an accomplished amateur. In times of trouble, you know the best people to contact.
••• Masters: You have honed your organizational skills to a fine pitch. Some Glass Walkers might envy your command of “the system” and your information network. You may even have a degree in management, business, or marketing.

•••• Doctorate: You wend your way with confidence through all but the highest levels of bureaucracy. Red tape melts when you appear. Only the highest officials put you on hold. Shadow Lords take notice of your expertise. You could lecture on the subject of bureaucracy if you wanted to.
••••• Scholar: You can arrange meetings with almost anyone. You possess the skills to run a multinational corporation, complete with subsidiaries. Other bureaucrats who know about you look to you for advice.
Possessed by: Kinfolk, politicians, lobbyists, government employees, PACs, bureaucrats
Specialties: Facilitation, Loopholes, Rights Protection (civil, animal, children’s, etc.), Red Tape Cutting

You have studied plants with an eye to using healing herbs as well as cooking herbs. You believe that herbs are far and away better than pharmaceuticals, since they are purer and less likely to be tampered with. In fact, you tend to distrust anything made by Big Pharma, even to the extent of making your own aspirin from scratch whenever possible. You enjoy using herbs in food preparation as well and are known for
your particularly tasty dishes. Perhaps you even “spike” your soufflés and casseroles with certain herbs that provide extra nutrients or enhance immune systems. You know how to grow herbs, harvest and prepare them, and may even have your own herbal business. You know how to make soaps, dyes, lotions, and other products using natural products.


The systems use of herbs is in the hands of the Storyteller. Suggestions include: slightly improved healing times (with regular administrations of poultices and/or teas and elixirs), calming and soothing, stimulant effects, etc. Herbs, when used properly, can help heal wounds and illnesses and mitigate symptoms without the adverse side effects and addictions that often come with the use of modern pharmaceuticals. Kinfolk far removed from urban areas and without health insurance find Herbalism to be a vital means for maintaining a healthy community.
• Student: You are able to make some basic herbal mixtures and can identify most standard herbs.

•• College: You can identify, plant, grow and harvest just about any herb, with the exception of extremely exotic or rare herbs. You can make most herbal concoctions and treat some wounds and illnesses.
••• Master: You are a doctor of herbs. You may have an advanced degree in botany or in herbal studies, or you may have acquired your knowledge through an apprenticeship and years of study. You can diagnose many types of illnesses and prescribe herbal cures for them, and treat most wounds with herbal poultices and such.
•••• Doctor: You may have a doctorate in botany, herbal medicine, or some other advanced study relating to herbs, or you may have outstripped your own teacher and are now passing your knowledge along to students. You can make complex herbal cures and treat any wound with confidence. You also make a mean ratatouille!
••••• Scholar: You could put your herbal knowledge into a book; perhaps you’ve already done so. If you wanted to, you could teach at a university level. You may have lectured on herbs or even acted as a consultant to several medical boards or herbal institutions. “Herb” might as well be your first name.
Possessed by: Kinfolk, Children of Gaia, holistic healers, herbologists, grandmothers
Specialties: Medicinal Herbs, Growth and Preservation, Herbal Healing, Potions, Household Products, Poisons


Garou learn this Knowledge in order to participate in the spiritual life of sept, tribe, and Garou existence in general. Kinfolk have their own version of Rituals that likewise enables them to add a spiritual and communal element to their existence as blood relations of the Garou.
This Knowledge conveys some general knowledge of the Garou rites and mysteries (such as the names and intents of most Garou rites and a simplified version of Garou traditions).

In addition, Kinfolk who possess this Knowledge can participate in rites specifically created for Kinfolk. While many Kinfolk rites involve the formalized behavior common to most ceremonial events and serve to provide a closer bond among Kinfolk, or between Kinfolk and their
Garou Kin. Other rites provide limited access to the spirit world, though any power gained from such rites in no way rivals the potency of Garou rites. A character cannot learn a rite of a level higher than her Rituals rating.

• Student: You’ve closely watched as other Kinfolk perform rites.
•• College: You’ve successfully participated in rites performed by others.
••• Masters: You teach rites to other Kinfolk.

•••• Doctorate: Garou watch you to pick up pointers.
••••• Scholar: You can create your own rites and could write a book on the subject.

Possessed by: Garou Kinfolk, Fera Kinfolk, some hedge mages

Specialties: Individual Rites, Group Rites, Accord, Mystic, Seasonal, Minor

Here is the Renown list for future reference to Kinfolk:

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