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Character Creation Rules



Many of the Elders and Athros of the nation perished in the final battle. Because of this the nation has been reduced in power and the highest ranks seen at large in any kind of leadership capacity have been among the Adren.  With this in mind I am allowing pc’s to begin the game at the rank of Adren or lower. Because of the experiences that characters have likely had there will be a graduated experience allotment based on rank. Kinfolk are also allowed and encouraged as the kinfolk are largely going to be the Garou’s only outside influence factor in the world. Here is the experience breakdown:

Currently Adren rank is closed. For the time being only fostern and lower are accepted.


Creation will be from W20 sourcebooks, IE: Table Top rules


Kinfolk: Standard creation with a bonus freebie point allotment of 40. Kinfolk have no special powers or attributes unless specific merits/flaws are taken that would say otherwise or if you choose to build them with sorcerous or psychic phenomena (See below for specific rules). Kinfolk will also have Affinity as the 20th anniversary material has fleshed them out a bit more and shown that they too hold a spiritual connection, if somewhat more muted than that of the Garou. Kinfolk of specific tribes will mirror their tribe with regards to their beginning Affinity.


Cubs: Standard creation with a bonus freebie point allotment of 40. Cubs will be very difficult to play and will require well thought out concepts as well as have a sponsor. A sponsor will be another player in the game who can vouch for you and your ability to take direction. This sponsor will also likely be the one you will have In Character connections to for whatever reason. Definitely talk it over with your sponsor before entering play.


(But Jose, you gave Kinfolk and cubs the same freebie point allotment! You’re right, this is to exemplify the efforts and experiences that kinfolk have had to go through from birth in this new world. They’ve had no metamorphosis; they’ve just had to roll with it. A Cub is a new shifter who’s undergone their change and has no real idea of what they’re dealing with unless they’re lucky and have had a mentor in which case being a new garou is a challenge in and of itself and this freebie point allotment is in place to illustrate that new learning curve but also give relevance to the cub’s previous life up to now.)


Cliath: Standard creation with a bonus freebie point allotment of 50.

Fostern: Standard creation with a bonus freebie point allotment of 60.

Adren: Standard creation with a bonus freebie point allotment of 70.


Merits may only be purchased with freebies and flaws will grant additional freebies if chosen.


There will be a limit on Merits of 7 points, and a limit on Flaws of 7 points.


Keep in mind that your flaws will haunt you, so be very careful which flaws you take and keep in mind our setting. For Example being “Hunted” In this setting may be far more than you bargained for.


You may raise your ranks in various affinities for the cost of 5 freebie points per permanent dot. Affinity may not be purchased with experience points and may only be raised outside of character creation from development while in game.


Influences in Tainted Web have changed in their costs. While they are a background and require roleplay and story to develop, they will also incur a cost of 2 x current rating in XP to reflect the vast difficulty of maintaining influences in this age. For Kinfolk the cost will be current rating. For Glass walkers because of your tribal advantage your Influence costs will be the same as kinfolk. Taking influence during character creation will cost 2 freebie points per level for Kinfolk and Glass Walkers, and 3 freebie points per level for any other garou/shifter.


With the passing of the final battle many of the nation’s kinfolk have been reduced greatly in number and it seems as though fewer and fewer are being born. To illustrate this, the kinfolk background has risen in cost and is now 3xp times current level or 4 freebie points per dot at creation.



According to the book Numina, like Psychic Phenomena, Sorcery, Gifts, or true faith are all extremely rare and even when you have access to such things it is extremely specialized. This means that Kinfolk will be allowed to learn sorcery and have psychic phenomena, as well as their specific kinfolk gifts and the like. However, in order to increase paths of sorcery or psychic phenomena the cost will be 7x new rating for each additional dot, and each dot purchased at creation is 7 freebies per dot.



Sorcerous Rituals: You may only ever know a combination of ritual levels equal to your natural unmodified mental dots in totality. EX: You have Perception: 2, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 3 for a total of 8. You  may only know a total of 8 levels of rituals, whether this is 8 level 1 rituals, or a single level 5 ritual and any combination of 3 other levels.


Paths and Phenomena: You may only ever know a number of sorcerous paths or psychic phenomena equal to your willpower divided by 3, rounded down.


Kinfolk rites are as per the book in W20: Kinfolk


Kinfolk Gifts are as per the book in W20: Kinfolk


Example of New Mechanic:


Joe has eight willpower (divided by 3 = 2.6 rounded down is 2) and decides to become a sorcerer. So he begins the laborious process of learning the path of Conveyance and makes it to the 1st intermediate level, however, Joe keeps trying to kill himself by going too far and smashing into walls of doom, So, he decides to delve into the mysteries of mystical healing to mend his broken limbs and other unmentionable wounds. Joe learns Sorcerous Healing up to the Advanced level becoming a regular HOUSE M.D. This means Joe has learned his limit in his chosen fields of sorcery and can learn no more. This rule also applies to Psychic Phenomena.

The following abilities have fields of study and thus can choose a specialization at 4 and 5 that are different fields.

- Academics

- Law

- Medicine

- Science

Merits and Flaws from the 20th anniversary universe as a whole are accepted as possibilities. As always they are accepted or denied on a case by case basis.


Strict Carnivore --  3 Pts

Territorial  --  3 Pts

Barren / Infertile --  1 Pt

Persistent Parents -   2 to 3 points, depending on whether your parents know your supernatural status


Family Support -  5 pt Merit

Fist of God - Restricted, not allowed in game


The background resources levels 4 - 5 are restricted.

Should your character have any resources, a list of their personal items and locations is needed. The more specific you are the better within this list. All subject to approval.

Many times I’ve seen people take this flaw with things such as Alcohol or even Nicotine. Let me set the record straight. To begin with, Nicotine is too small of a thing to allow for a 3pt flaw, you might have a compulsion instead which is a 1pt flaw if you must smoke cigarettes. An addiction is a serious mental flaw. You must understand that this item, or substance, whatever it is, whatever gives you your rush is likely a very terrible thing and in order to have it, it overrides your common sense and even good sense. In the World of Darkness, an addiction to alcohol could mean that as a Garou you aren’t going to shift out of homid because to do so would kill your buzz. You would betray your pack for that bottle of liquor or whatever other vice you have chosen. So choose wisely if you opt to take an addiction because this is the end of the world this is hard mode, this is Tainted Web and you aren’t going to have a good time. Be prepared for this and the same can be said for any other flaw.

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