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Most mystical powers fall into the categories of Garou Gifts, Awakened Magic, Fey cantrips, vampiric Disciplines, or ghostly Arcanoi. The category of Numina (singular Numen) comprises those supernatural potentials that exist among mortals — humans who haven’t had a First Change, an Awakening, an Embrace, or who have died and still linger beyond the lands of the living.

Though not as powerful or effective as those powers available to truly supernatural beings, Numina can often accomplish a lot. Some mortals naturally possess Numina, acquiring it at birth; usually, a relative had the reputation of having the “second sight” or being a “witch” or “medicine man.” Others learn them, usually in secret, after years of training.

Numina fall into three categories: hedge magic, psychic phenomena, and True Faith. Players use freebie points during character creation to purchase Numina. Later they may improve these abilities through experience points or, with Storyteller approval, learn new Numina. Having more than one type of Numina, however, is extremely rare. A talented psychic may possess Psychology and Animal Psi, both of which belong to the psychic phenomena category, but will rarely know any of the hedge magic paths.
Numina cost a lot to learn, and operate under different and, often, mutually exclusive paradigms. Learning too many mystical powers from disparate sources puts a strain on the character’s mental health. See the following chart for costs for purchasing psychic phenomena and hedge magic with freebie points and for purchasing or raising them with experience point, True Faith increases only through Storyteller awards for good roleplaying.


Hedge magic encompasses different aspects of mystical ability, including Brewing (potions, etc.), Cursing, Healing, and Summoning. Each path has five ability levels as well as specialized rituals. Hedge magic differs from Awakened Magic because practitioners do not need to have an Awakened Avatar, only some innate ability to use their will to shape reality through the use of potions, rituals, and particular belief systems such as totemic magic, mountain hoodoo, and herbal magic. While more time-consuming than Awakened
Magic due to its reliance on complicated casting rituals and complex preparation, hedge magic can accomplish some very powerful results.

The Way of Spirit Chasing, described below, is especially meaningful for Kinfolk hedge mages. Other Ways useful for Kinfolk appear in this section, including a Healing Way different from the psychic phenomenon form of healing described below.

Psychic phenomena involve the use of mental powers. People who possess psychic powers may have a reputation for having “the second sight,” or for “dreaming true.” Characters with psychic abilities rarely possess more than one type, just as magically-gifted individuals rarely have more than one type of Numina. Each phenomenon has five levels of ability, with each level indicating greater effects than the one before. The psychic phenomena Empathic Healing and Soulstealing appear below.

Truth Faith mirrors a character’s commitment to a spiritual belief system, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, paganism, or just about any mortal faith that involves a transcendent deity or reality. This Numina’s rating ranges from 1-10, with each level granting more powerful effects deriving from the character’s Faith. True Faith is most powerful against the undead, but it also confers powers useful when fighting werewolves, mages, or changelings. It can also create miracles.

Hedge Magic
A mystic’s culture and belief system help guide her practice of hedge magic. Lifestyle, ethical code, favored foci, and methods of instruction determine the appearance and method of a hedge mage’s power. A worker of Appalachian hoodoo magic might use very different gestures, foci, and special ingredients to work a healing magic than a medicine man or a voudon priestess. The rituals all result in healing, but the look, form, smell, and feel of the actual workings are very different. Hedge magic tends toward a set pattern
of actions, or ritual, and does not have the advantage of flexibility in casting that Awakened Magic has, but it still alters the way things are.

Hedge magic is cast through rituals. Each level in a hedge magic Way (also called a Path) describes a range of powers available at that level, but the hedge magician cannot simply cast these willy-nilly — she learns and casts specific effects through specific rituals, and can only use those effects for which she knows a ritual. For instance, two dots of Conjuring allow the hedge magicians to move objects or to teleport (“conjure”) them across a distance. Each type of object requires a separate ritual. A hedge magician who can
pull rabbits from a hat cannot necessarily cause a coin to disappear from his hand to reappear in someone’s pocket.


He needs at least two separate rituals for these tricks. Each time a student learns a new level, he receives a new ritual for that level. Thus, a character with two dots in a Way knows two rituals automatically. Storytellers and players can work together to create new rituals that suit their chronicles. Kinfolk hedge mages might have slightly different rituals than non-Kin practitioners.

The Way of Conjuration enables the hedge mage to move objects about from one place to another. They can pull rabbits out of hats (in truth), summon swords or other  weapons to hand, and, at the highest level, move a human or human-sized object without physically touching the target. Such objects must be prepared in advance using methods dictated by the caster’s belief system. This can include sacrifices, ritual inscriptions, cleansing rituals, prayer, or some other means descriptive of the caster’s beliefs.


Conjuration is a difficult type of hedge magic. The caster cannot choose just any item, but must use one already ritually prepared (and often carried on the caster’s person until needed). A different ritual exists for every object or item, and the hedge mage cannot substitute one item in a ritual for a different item. For each level a hedge mage knows above the level required to move a particular object, the caster may move an additional object. For example, a hedge mage knowing two levels of Conjuration may move
two objects of the size and kind described in level one.

Roll: Dexterity + Occult
Cost: 1 Willpower
• The caster can nudge a tiny object (coin, card, small knife) without touching it at a range of 10 feet or less. The contains no real force and anyone who picks up the item can prevent the caster from moving it.

•• The caster can move a small, simple item, such as a book, a rope, a jar, or other similar object, or conjure (i.e., teleport) it across the intervening space. The range is up to 15 feet from the caster. To stop it, an individual must make a Strength roll, difficulty 5, to pick it up or otherwise stop it from moving.
••• Large, complex objects such as swords, boom boxes, and laptops, or simple lifeforms such as snails, insects, or goldfish, are conjurable or movable by the caster. The mage can levitate the target, move it, or snatch it from thin air. The object must be no
larger than a chair and must be within 25 feet. It can weigh as much as 200 pounds. Anyone wishing to stop it must make a Strength roll, difficulty 7.
•••• Now the caster can move, levitate, or summon a living mammal, reptile, bird, or other complex lifeform less than the mass of an adult human. Each type of animal requires a different ritual. Inanimate objects such as steamer trunks or small pianos can be targeted at this level. Maximum range is 50 feet.
••••• The caster can move or conjure a human or human-sized animal or object from up to 60 feet away, provided the living subject is willing or unconscious. This works best with a long-time partner who does not panic at the disorientation this causes. Botching this effect can be disastrous; at best it simply fails, but given a particularly bad failure it can cause serious injury or death.

Predicting the future, gaining insights into what is to come, or telling fortunes — the art of divination has stood as the hallmark of the magically or psychically gifted person. From the Delphic Oracle to modern day tarot readers, diviners hold a position of both awe and fear. People both want and dread to know what lies ahead for them. Fortune-tellers crawl out of the woodwork, setting up
shop in downtown storefronts, in middle-class neighborhoods, or via a flashy website. Most of them are fakers who occasionally hit the mark square on. The hedge magic Way of Divination, however, allows Kinfolk to part the veil between the spirit world and the material world so that they might read the threads of fate and see what outcomes are most likely. This ability makes diviner Kinfolk valuable to the Garou of their tribe as well as to their families.

A diviner may cast only one ritual per scene and must spend one Willpower point per casting. Viewing the future also grants the possibility to alter it if the diviner can see clearly where to tweak the threads of fate. Storytellers, of course, have the final say as to how useful or how detailed this ability can be.
Roll: Perception + Occult
Cost: 1 Willpower
• Fortune-telling: The most basic form of Divination, this level allows the user to gain a general sense of a person’s future, for good or bad. Results usually involve symbolic or cryptic answers with many possible interpretations. Possible rituals include Ouija board readings, simple tarot readings relying on yes and no answers, coin flipping, and similar positive/negative methods. The difficulty for most rolls is 6.
•• Dowsing: This level enables the diviner to find lost objects or people. The dowser should be familiar with the object or have a personal effect of the individual he seeks. Long-range dowsing usually involves holding the focus over a map; short range dowsing
requires the caster to hold the focus in the air and follow the pull toward the presumed location. The number of successes determines the accuracy of the search. Ritual foci typically include pendulums or dowsing rods. Rituals might enable the dowser to discover treasure such as gold deposits, buried jewels, or other items, finding water (the most well-known form of dowsing), or locate missing people, such as kidnapped children or wandering adults. The difficulty for this type of divination varies according to the complexity of the situation.
••• Augury: The user can determine the outcome of a particular future event, such as the success or failure of a business venture, which army will win a particular battle, or what team will win the championship. Rituals include consulting the I Ching, chi readings, throwing the bones (or runestones), complex tarot readings, or even reading the entrails of an animal, as in certain religions. The difficulty for an augury dice roll is 7.
•••• Premonitions: At this level, dowsing becomes entwined with intuition. The Diviner receives visual flashes, dream-like visions, or strong feelings that indicate a possible event, such as sensing a particular plane is going to crash, or that someone unexpected will arrive. There are no rituals for this, but the player must still succeed in her roll. The Storyteller determines the difficulty as well as the form of the premonition.
••••• Vision Quest: The most advanced form of divination involves seeking for and receiving a detailed vision of the future, either concerning the diviner or someone he focuses his concentration on. The experience may not present itself in a linear fashion;
details of the vision may not appear in order, enabling the caster to misinterpret parts of the vision. The number of successes determines the length and the amount of detail. Possible rituals take the form of ascetic or ecstatic practices for altering the consciousness, such as fasting, sweat lodges, shamanic vision treks, or even such extreme practices as the Native American Sun Dance. Foci may include psychoactive substances, sage or incense burning, as well as other objects. The diviner enters another
realm of consciousness, or, in the case of Kinfolk, may even gain visions of the Umbra.


By this Way, a hedge mage can heal many kinds of injuries and diseases, banish or control pain, and generally treat ills of all sorts. This Numen does not perform miracles (although it may seem to do so). Healing takes time, whether it involves injuries or disease. Healing is effective for relieving pain so long as the healer remains in contact with the sufferer. The healer can also reduce the likelihood of infection when working with a wound.


Practitioners of Healing hedge magic usually need some form of medical knowledge, whether it be dots in the Medicine Ability or non-traditional sorts, such as acupuncture, herbalism, shamanic healing, meditation, reiki, or some other form of medicine. Kinfolk who know veterinary medicine can use Healing magic to treat wolf Kinfolk. Use of this Path consumes the healer’s energy and, without care, can bring about burnout, or cause psychological damage to the healer. Healers often take care to get ample rest, practice relaxation techniques, and even seek psychological counseling when necessary. This Numen cannot heal aggravated wounds, though it may ease the pain from such wounds.

Roll: Manipulation + Intuition
Cost: 1 Willpower per ailment
• This level allows a healer to soothe headaches, backaches, or equivalent pains. While the ailment does not go away, the pain backs off for a while. The number of successes dictates the length of time the pain relief lasts (as a guideline, a few hours per success).
•• This level enables the healer to treat sprains, flu, migraines, minor infections, and the like. With multiple successes, the caster can cut the healing time in half or even better.
••• At this stage, the healer can mend broken bones and spur nasty wounds to heal faster and without infection. Fractures do not immediately mend themselves, but they do take much less time to heal. Relief and healing for the common cold occur at this level. A Healer can help an Incapacitated character get back on her feet so she can move to a safe place, but she cannot completely heal wounds as bad as those.
•••• This level of Healing can fix compound fractures and severe trauma, speeding up the healing process and preventing infection. Such injuries heal 50% faster. The healer’s touch also banishes pain. A healer of this level can also heal chronic diseases such
as asthma, arthritis, diabetes, etc. The conditions do not disappear overnight, but take weeks. The cures last so long as the healed individual takes appropriate steps to avoid re-acquiring the disease.

••••• Through a great deal of effort, a healer at this level can cure the most serious diseases, including AIDS, cancer, heart disease and other “hopeless” ailments. Major traumatic injuries and broken bones heal in one to three weeks.

The herbalist, or natural healer, has long occupied a place in folklore and in the culture of pre- or non-technological societies. In later history, the snake-oil salesman exploited for their own ends the trust many people once placed in non-traditional healers. Many herbalists — and many herbal con-artists — merely relied on recipes handed down through generations or conjured whole from their
imagination to produce potions, ointments, tinctures, possets, and other herbal concoctions. These mixtures or brews sometimes worked, when the herbs and other ingredients contained viable substances. Otherwise, they were just so much “snake oil.”


The Way of hedge magic known as “herbalism” or “brewing” enables the practitioner to imbue natural ingredients with real power so that their natural healing (or poisoning) abilities achieve greater results. At the highest level of knowledge, these substances produce effects that border on the miraculous. The Garou treasure and protect these Kinfolk, valuing them for their ability to effect cures
when normal means fail.


Kinfolk who study this herbal magic Numen must first have at least one dot in one of the following Knowledges: Herbalism, Medicine, or Science (botany). Naturally, the more dots in the appropriate Knowledge, the greater the probability of success. Using this Path requires time and effort, as the practitioner must find and gather, or grow, the proper herbs, flowers, roots, or mosses. In addition, preparing potions or other herbal concoctions takes time involved in boiling, steeping, crushing, or otherwise transforming the
ingredients into the required mixture. The strength and effectiveness of the mixture depends on the herbalist’s successes (Intelligence + Herbalism). One success produces something that marginally works but may look foul and taste bitter, or worse. With four or more successes, the concoction not only succeeds but does so with twice as much effectiveness — and tastes delicious, to boot!

Of course, herbalism also allows for the concoction of poisons. Those who ingest such poisons or mixtures with harmful effects may attempt a Stamina roll against the herbalist’s successes to resist or survive the effects. Players and Storyteller should devise their own rituals for making the herbal mixtures depending on the herbalist character’s cultural background or the needs of the chronicle.
Roll: Intelligence + Herbalism
Cost: none
• The poultices or brews made at this level can cure minor aches or rashes, induce or prevent sleep, preserve foods longer than their normal freshness, relieve symptoms of non-chronic illnesses, and produce other effects that would not fall under the category of “magic.”
•• At this level, the herbalist’s products quickly cure minor illnesses or pains, avert or enable pregnancy (100% certainty), alter a person’s mood, attract or deter insects or animals, cure intoxication, and produce other effects that seem miraculous, but not necessarily supernatural.

••• The substances made at this level can put people to sleep with just a pinch, cure moderate pains and illnesses, cut healing time in half for open wounds and broken bones (more for Garou), put partakers in light trances or elevate the libido, and cause other effects that may raise eyebrows due to their speed and effectiveness.
•••• This level of mastery enables the herbalist’s concoctions to clear up an infection in minutes, cure life-threatening illnesses, neutralize poisons, temporarily increase someone’s physical traits (one or two dots to Strength, Dexterity, or Stamina for one scene), and other equivalent effects. Cultural expectations and Storyteller judgment play a part in the effects, which are neither sudden, flashy, nor permanent.
••••• At this level, the herbalist produces truly spectacular potions, brews, balms, and the like. Love potions, sleeping concoctions, healing balms, deadly poisons, oils of flying, and other seemingly impossible mixtures enable the user to alter her reality for at least a little while, or, in the case of poisons and healing medicines, permanently. The truth of the matter should remain open to discussion
and have a plausible explanation behind it. Extreme effects, such as changing forms, should not occur instantly, but should take effect subtly or over time.

Spirit Chasing
This Way enables a hedge mage to create a bond between herself and a chosen type of plant or animal. Those who practice this Way believe, not unlike the Garou, that every living thing possesses a soul or animating spirit. A spirit chaser uses her bond to watch and learn from her chosen animal or plant. Unlike the process of learning Gifts, no bargain exists between animal/plant teacher and
student. The practitioner starts by contacting the spirit and simply watching it. Next, she asks questions of the spirit and tries to mimic its natural abilities. After this, the spirit chaser devises a private ritual in which she pleads with the spirit, requesting it to appear. When this happens (and it can take a very long time), the spirit chaser explains that she would like to learn its ways. For example, a spirit chaser choosing a bear spirit would ask to learn the ways of bears. The spirit might require some kind of proof of sincerity or  a quest undertaken to prove the spirit chaser’s worth, but if it agrees, it allows the spirit chaser to learn the basics of
living like the chosen creature.

As learning progresses, the hedge mage learns to focus her senses to see as her animal does. She might even learn special activities, such as a bear’s ability to hibernate or a lion’s ability to use claws. This Way is unique to every practitioner. Note that this Numen does not provide the ability to see, hear, touch, or summon spirits. It does provide a degree of intuitive communication with a chosen spirit type, such that queries might be answered by a gentle breeze, the snap of a twig, or even the brief appearance of the spirit’s type of animal or plant, and the spirit chaser intuitively understands the meaning of such responses. Others would easily interpret it as being all in the spirit chaser’s imagination, but she knows better. At higher levels of awareness, it’s even possible that a spirit might like the spirit chaser enough to materialize before her now and then, or use other Charms that signal its direct presence.
Roll: Manipulation + Occult

Willpower cost: 1 point
• The mystic learns to “eat” the food of the chosen spirit. The proper food needs to be available (water and sun for plants; pasturage for herbivores such as cows or deer; grubs, honey, berries, etc. for bears; raw meat for wolves or other predators). She receives full
nutrition from this food as if she were her chosen animal. Rituals might involve cud chewing, squirreling food away to eat later, burying food, and so forth.

•• The spirit chaser can match his own sensory levels to his animal. For example, a lynx might allow the spirit chaser to see in the dark or sniff out predators or prey. Scenting humans, sniffing out a trail, finding food, or “reading” the air are some of the rituals that might accompany this level.
••• Animals and plants know how to survive and what to do when they need healing. Plants “heal” by means of photosynthetic energy, while some animals lick their wounds, or fall into a healing sleep. The vibrational rate of a feline’s purr seems to have some healing properties as well. Each year, for some part of the winter, some creatures hibernate; temperatures are cold and food is scarce,
so hibernation is a type of self-induced coma to insure survival. At this level, a spirit chaser may fall into a healing sleep which heals one Health Level for each success rolled on Spirit Chasing.
With three successes, the spirit chaser could heal three levels after 12 hours of sleep. Rituals include hiding, healing, cleansing & purging venomous or poisonous wounds, and childbirth.
•••• At this level, the spirit chaser received the inner wisdom of the chosen animal or plant spirit. Based on the level of success on a roll to use this level of power, the Storyteller decides how much and what sort of information provided to the spirit chaser. An oak spirit might give the spirit chaser insight into an event that happened when the oak was a sapling. A wolf spirit might give the caster knowledge of something affecting the survival of wolves in a particular part of the world. The Storyteller can make use of this power to give story hooks to the characters. Rituals might include seeking visions, detecting lies or making intuitive leaps.

••••• The most committed and dedicated spirit chasers may attain this advanced level of mastery. Here, the spirit chaser receives the  ability to practice some aspect unique to its bonded animal or plant spirit. She might, if bonded to a deer, be able to run especially quickly or leap high fences. A practitioner bonded to a bear might call on great strength; one bonded to a lion might grow claws
for battle. Certain plants might give the caster skin that could be poisonous to the touch. At least three successes are necessary to invoke this ability, which is the closest a Kinfolk may come to experiencing the Garou’s shapechanging ability. Possible rituals
may involve shielding, through growing a thick coat of hair or tree bark; offensive powers, such as growing sharp, strong fingernails; scaling a vertical surface as a spider might; and other abilities.

Psychic Phenomena
Some call it ESP or Psi; others refer to it as “witchery,” “the sight,” or even just use the word “weird” to describe people with these paranormal abilities. Kinfolk who demonstrate any of these abilities meet with many different responses from their Garou relations. Some find it interesting, worthy of respect, or potentially useful to the tribe. Others do not trust it, seeing too much of mage-craft or dark magic in it. Most Theurges, some Fianna, and the entire Silent Strider and Stargazer tribes seek to learn more about Psychic Phenomena in general and sometimes consult known Kinfolk practitioners for their knowledge.

Empathic Healing
(Charisma + Empathy)
This power comes at great cost to the practitioner, and is one of the most intimate of the Psi powers. To use it, the healer joins his mind and body with that of the injured or sick person. The healer then absorbs the wound or illness into his own body, taking the same number of Health Levels he heals as damage to his own body. Empathic healers can repair aggravated wounds through this method, making them extremely valuable to Garou and Kinfolk alike. The downside, of course, is that it may take many months for the healer to heal himself after such an extreme healing. In most cases, the Empathic Healer has a companion to care for him during his own healing process. Although a healer could push himself too far through overuse of this ability, Garou Gifts such as
Mother’s Touch can help him heal more quickly. Each level requires at least three successes on a Charisma + Empathy roll to take effect; successes may be cumulative, but puts additional stress upon the healer. The base difficulty is 6, but increases by 1 per level of Empathic Healing beyond the first one. The difficulty, therefore, is 7 at level two, 8 at level three, 9 at level four, and 10 at level five.
Roll: Charisma + Empathy
Cost: Special
• Soothe the Spirit: The healer can absorb minor bruises, simple depression, or grief. She can heal damage at the Bruised Health Level. Her own body recovers within a day. Difficulty: 6.

•• Knit Flesh: The healer can heal deep cuts and stop loss of blood. Hurt and Injured Health Levels heal. Her own body takes about a week to regain her strength after using this level. Difficulty: 7.
••• Mend Bones: The healer can heal massive wounds or serious acute illnesses (not cancer). Wounded and Mauled Health Levels disappear from the subject as the empath mends shattered bones and torn ligaments, tendons and muscle. The healer may take several months to heal without the help of Gifts or other magic. Difficulty: 8.
•••• Organ Repair: The healer can repair severe internal injuries, stop internal bleeding, and even bring her patient back from the brink of death. Crippled and Incapacitated Health Levels fall to the healer’s expertise. The healer requires a minimum of a year
to heal naturally. Difficulty: 9
••••• Pacify Madness: Only the best of the best attain this level of Empathic Healing, and only those who are certain of their abilities dare use the power granted here. A healer who uses this power must have complete mental discipline, courage, and control of her own emotions. This ability allows the healer to absorb the worst forms of mental illness, including Harano, falling into the same
state of psychosis as she has just healed in her patient. Many months of rest and counseling may ultimately heal the Empathic Healer, but a few never recover from this ordeal. Difficulty: 10.

This disturbing power enables a psychic to forcibly enter the victim’s subconscious and destroy pieces of the personality. Ultimately, Soulstealing reduces the victim to a shell of his former self, devoid of Willpower and stripped of any Gnosis he might have. Soulstealing doesn’t cause insanity; the victim’s mind is too empty to be insane. Most practitioners of this power belong to Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk, but a few other dangerous or unhappy Kinfolk have been known to possess it. Some Shadow Lord Kin seek knowledge of this power in order to build their own power base within their tribe. Kinfolk who know Soulstealing generally keep their knowledge to themselves and use it carefully, knowing that the punishment for possessing this Numen would be extremely harsh — if not fatal.

To use Soulstealing, the psychic makes a Willpower roll (difficulty equals the target’s Willpower + 2, with a maximum of 10) and spends a Willpower point. The victim must be in the psychic’s line of sight. Victims usually do not remember the incident unless
the Storyteller allows them a Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty equals the psychic’s Willpower) to notice the process. If the target actively resists, the difficulty of the Soulstealing increases by 1 (up to a maximum of 10). A Soulstealer may attempt to use this power once per scene on any living being. Stargazers have some lore that speaks of Soulstealers who lost their minds after attempting
to tangle with a vampire or a wraith.

Roll: Willpower
Cost: 1 Willpower
• Dream Invasion: The psychic enters the victim’s dreams and interacts with the subconscious. He cannot plant or steal memories, but can participate in the dream as an “actor,” remembering what he sees.
•• Will Sapping: Each success allows the psychic to drain a temporary point of Willpower and transfer it to himself (up to his maximum). The victim recovers Willpower in the usual way. ••• Drain Vital Essence: Every two successes drain one Health Level from the victim. The wounds are not aggravated; the victim recovers normally. Because the damage is mental, rather than physical,
the victim appears unwounded.
•••• Shift Life: Every two successes enable the psychic to transfer one of the victim’s Health Levels to his own body, giving him an extra Bruised Health Level. Alternately, the psychic can use the stolen Health Level to heal one of his own lost Health Levels. The Soulstealer may add up to twice the normal number of Health Levels (up to seven).

••••• Gnosis Theft: For every two successes, the psychic may steal and keep one point of Gnosis, retaining it until it is spent. Even if the psychic does not possess the Merit: Gnosis, he may use the stolen Gnosis to power Gifts or use fetishes. Once it is used, it does not return. The Soulstealer must steal more if he wants it.

True Faith
Some Kinfolk have a strong attachment to their spiritual nature. They enjoy a deep-seated, unshakeable love for and devotion to the divine, whether they call it Gaia, God, or some other form of higher power or supreme entity. For them, there exists a bedrock upon which all things rest and which they can touch, at times, through the virtue of their belief. They connect with that power, especially in times of stress or urgent need, and draw strength and, occasionally, tangible effects from expressions of their Faith.


Kinfolk characters with this Numen start out with one dot of True Faith, which ranges from 1-10. True Faith adds to Willpower rolls in critical situations, adding +1 to the dice pool for each point of Faith. It does not add to rolls used for rites, Gifts, Psychic Phenomena, Hedge Magic, or similar abilities. The Storyteller determines the effects of True Faith, depending on the situation. True Faith may repel vampires or wraiths. The player must succeed on a Faith roll against a difficulty of the opponent’s Willpower. True Faith protects from the powers of mages. Each point acts as a die of countermagic.

Those Kinfolk with True Faith in Gaia might be able to repel Wyrm creatures and those suffering the taint of the Wyrm, in the same manner as with vampires and wraiths. Kinfolk may gain an additional point of temporary Willpower per point of True Faith due to their devotion. At higher levels, True Faith may have effects that seem miraculous to others: healing a Health Level to prevent someone from dying, receiving a second chance to attempt a difficult action if the first attempt fails horribly, having some sort of
fortuitous intervention occur when all seems lost, or some effect of a level consistent with the Kinfolk’s Faith rating. True Faith does not increase through the spending of experience points. The Storyteller may award extra points in True Faith based on the character’s actions.

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