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When next you sail, you'll sail with Davy Jones...and none shall escape. Ha! Ha! The sea awaits your return, and so does Davy Jones. Ha! Ha! When next you sail, Davy Jones awaits. Ha! Ha!"

Success in interacting with the Storytellers is very important to success in the game. Unfortunately this is also a common area for some fairly egregious missteps. For some reason, some people quickly forget that they are dealing with fellow, fallible, and occasionally wrathful human beings when they are talking to the Storytellers. These people bitch, whine, demand, make vague and useless complaints, and for some reason never express gratitude. Maybe it's tunnel vision or something. Here is a rule of human behavior that, believe it or not, is just as true for our vaunted Storytellers. If you are rude to someone, if you piss them off, if you treat them unfairly, if you make their life difficult, if you are disrespectful, then they will dislike it and they will hold it against you. Subconsciously they will try to get back at you, and since the Storytellers hold your character's fate in their arbitrarily powerful hands, they will probably succeed. It is patently idiotic to treat them badly. This is not to mention that since they are volunteering and working hard on your behalf, being shitty to them kind of makes you a douchebag, doesn't it?

There is a rule about human nature that we think everyone in these types of games should know: nobody cares about you. Well, that's not entirely true. Some people care about you. But they certainly care a lot more about themselves than they do about you. People love to advance their characters more then advancing other people's. It's just how it goes. Try to keep the IC interactions seperate from how you are feeling OOCly treated as a player. Characters are bound to clash and not get along, sometimes directly move against each other to move forward their own goals, this does not mean that it is a slight against you as a player or person on an out of character level.

Boasting OOC of your exploits can be fun, rewarding and enjoyable, even to other people when done tastefully. However, laughing to another player about how much you screwed over their character makes you an ass. Cackling to another player about how much you will fuck their character makes you an ass. Nominating another player at game end for "being a hardcore noob" makes you an ass that will get a dot of "kicked in the teeth by exasperated STs." Don't be an ass.

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