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"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Captain Emmerick Hayes


Emmerick Hayes, the Captain of the Northern Star, known as a man to be feared on the seas and the brawling circle. He is rumoured to have a strange way to survive many things. Some speak of when they tried to shoot him, hang him also for his crimes on the waves, yet still the man walks. Ruthless in his undertakings and strong, not a man to get on the wrong side.



Lyra remains bit of a mystery to most, her role on the ship never fully defined in any official way. She tends to the Captain and First Mate's general requests, often helping where she can.


Most often she is found quietly humming to herself as she stands at the bow of the ship watching the sea with longing.

First Mate Morgan Rivers


Quatermaster John Iilly


Son of a nobleman, he was once a Commader in the Royal Navy, assigned with the task of killing Emmerick Hayes. It was a task he ultimately rejected, and ended up joining the crew, rising to the point of serving as Quarter Master. He holds a deep unshakable loyalty to Emmerick and Morgan and holds a deep dedication to maintaining the crew and ship. To those of the crew, he is a trustworthy shoulder to turn to at all times.



Felix is 13 yrs old, born June 17 1687, he has blonde hair and bright blue eyes, there is a strength of purpose and will to the boy that his shipmates have taken notice of. Sometimes a touch flip but his heart always good, he doesn't particularly *like* being the ships Omega and will put up minor shows of defiance when reminded of it. It is not unreasonable to imagine that in HIS mind a Cabin Boy outranks some of the crew who are simple journeymen.

Samual Church




There is little known about this slave that has been bought and sold and even traded around town since she arrived on the market some year maybe year and a half ago. She seems resigned and almost happy in her work no matter what she seems to be doing at the time for which ever master or mistress she serves.


Currently owned by the Quartermaster Tilly.



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