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The Black Rose

Step through the doors of the Rose and into the simple comforts that she an offer. Here the drinks flow with abundance, food is enjoyed by many, and whispers can be heard to those that listen. For those looking for the great adventures of the world, this would be the place to start looking....

The Black Rose has been an established taverna within Tortuga since its foundation, giving many a place to gather freely when landed within the dark port town. The building is surprisingly well maintained and upkept by the barkeep Zoreyan, his attention to cleanliness and detail not lost to any that take the time to really notice the difference.

The Rose has an assortment of simple food to offer its patrons, from local sea life to dried meats, there is often something for anyone that has the coin to spend. When it comes to the spirits that flow from open kegs and bottles, there is a large assortment of items from common Rum and Grogg, to the more exotic tea blends that Zoreyan is known for.

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