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"This is either madness or brilliance... It is remarkable how often those two traits coincide"

The Northern Star

…..and the sheer beauty of her produced in me a feeling of awe, almost of worship. I was moved as though I listened to the Seventh Symphony or viewed the Winged Victory; and this was fit and proper, for my eyes were drinking in a piece by the greatest of all masters.

The Northern Star is classified as a Man O'War within the fleet. She sports heavy fire-power with a total of 80 cannons spaced over three decks and is nearly unmatched within her own might. Designed for combat over merchant runs, the Northern Star is a ship that most do not want to triffle with.

Her three massive masts raise well within the sky, spreading her sails to greet the wind as a welcomed friend. Though not one of the fastest ships within the fleet, the Gods have graced her with extraordinary luck thus far.

Below you will find the break down of each of her decks and the accomidations that she offers her crew.

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